Federation with Threads

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Even before Threads launched rumors were circulating that Meta's new social media platform would support the ActivityPub protocol, which would allow it to interoperate with Mastodon instances like SocialCoop's. These rumors prompted quite a bit of discussion in the SocialCoop community, which was initially focused on whether or not SocialCoop should sign on to the Anti-Meta Fedi Pact These discussions largely took place in Loomio, which are linked to in the timeline below.

As a result of the poll on July 10, 2023 SocialCoop's Mastodon instance is currently set to Limit Threads, not to Suspend. This effectively means that posts from Threads accounts are invisible to anyone who hasn't chosen to follow them. But users are not blocked from following Threads users. You can learn more about the differences between Limit and Suspend in the Mastodon documentation.


June 19, 2023: Discussion: Support the Anti-Meta Fedi Pact

July 4, 2023: Adam Mosseri (Head of Instagram) announces that ActivityPub integration is being worked on.

July 10, 2023: Poll: Threads.net Defederation Level

July 28, 2023: Would you personally block/mute Threads.net?

December 13, 2023: Mark Zuckerberg announced that testing of ActivityPub had started.

March 21, 2024: Meta announces that Threads ActivityPub integration is now available in the United States, Canada and Japan.