Community Working Group Ops Team

Revision as of 11:46, 7 October 2024 by Dphiffer (talk | contribs)

The Community Working Group ops team consists of up to 5 operational members and 3 volunteer "at large" members. The current team is elected to a one year term, and has a mandate until May 9, 2021, at which point the mandate shall be renewed.

Operational Members: Operational members rotate in an on-call moderator role for the Mastodon instance, and attend monthly meeting. The coordinator is responsible for scheduling, tracking tasks, and coordinating with other working groups.

Compensation is currently $10/month + $30/week on-call shift + $20/month for coordinators.

Current Members:

  • Emi Do (Communications Coordinator)
  • Matt Noyes (Team Coordinator)
  • Sam Whited
  • Eduardo
  • Dan Phiffer
  • Django

At-Large Members: At large members are elected volunteers who are invited to the monthly meetings and have voting seats in the Ops Team Loomio group, but do not take on-call shifts or other responsibilities.

Current Members:

  • Melissa Santos

Team Charter Full Text

The process for selecting new team members will follow the following steps:

  1. A Check Poll will be launched in the Community Working Group to collect expressions of interest from potential new team members.
  2. Prospective team members will be asked to submit a short written statement to the existing Operations Team, which will review them and vote via ranked choice.
  3. The Operations Team will confirm the interest of the chosen candidates, and then submit a proposal to the Community Working Group to ratify their appointment to the Operations Team.
  4. We will also put an open call in the full membership group for folks interested in sitting in one of the two “at large” seats, and elect those seats via a vote from the full membership via approval voting.


Community Ops Team Members [5 roles]


  • Attend a monthly ops team call
  • Perform work delegated at ops team call by next Ops Team call.
  • Participate in decision-making and problem-solving between calls on the Ops Team Loomio group.
  • Participate in "On-Call" rotation: [1 week shifts]
  • Check and process new membership applications daily. [30 seconds to 10 minutes, depending on volume].
  • Receive and respond to reports from members and off-instance folks.[variable]
  • Toot announcements and welcomes from the official account, and respond to inquiries. [at least 1 announcement per shift, minimum]
  • Pass-on documentation for next On-Call Staff [~30 minutes]

Compensation: 7.20GBP/month for attending the monthly call + 21.60gbp/On-Call Shift

Ops Team Coordinator [2 roles]


Standard Ops Team Member Responsibilities, plus...

  • Schedule Monthly Ops Team Call
  • Attend inter-working groups call to share updates, make requests of other working groups, receive requests, etc. [1 hour prep, 1 hour meeting monthly]
  • Track Assignments, etc.

Compensation: Ops Team Member Comp + 14.40GBP/mo Selection: Elected by the Ops Team from their membership.

At Large Members [2]

Purpose: To provide a non-operational member perspective in the ops team, and to be a way for folks interested in the work but not sure if they want to commit to the role to get a sense of it.


  • Attend the monthly Ops Team call and participate in Ops team Loomio as a voting member of the team.
  • Compensation: Volunteer

Group Liasons [1+]

Purpose: This is a seat for a representative of each of the other working groups Operations Teams to occupy to ensure clear communication between groups.

Responsibilities: Attend the monthly Ops Team meeting and convey key information from their "home" Working Group.

Compensation: Volunteer, but compensated from “home” operations team if an Ops Team member.


If you are new to the community working group ops team, or an existing team member looking for a refresher, the following tutorials can help you figure out how to sign up for the various tools we use and get stuff done! If you find errors while following their steps, please edit them!